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* ../Hi guys! this page is dedicated *
* to one of my main passions which is music. *
* I like to make electronic music using everything that is part of the *
* open source world, mainly Linux or Android programs, *
* same thing I do with video editing. *
* Here I will insert the mp3s and videos for some songs created by me.| *
Hi guys this is my first album!
<pre>My music list<links>
<a href="oo1-file-dreamwalker.mp4">S1M0N3 - Dream Walker</a>
<a href="002-file-neurocity.mp4">S1M0N3 - NeuroCity</a>
<a href="003-file-maxepilectric.mp4">S1M0N3 - Max Epilectric</a>
<a href="004-file-nebula.mp4">S1M0N3 - Nebula</a>
<a href="005-file-bugs!.mp4">S1M0N3 - Bugs!</a>
<a href="006-file-systemcollapse.mp4">S1M0N3 - System Collapse</a>
<a href="007-file-cheryl.mp4">S1M0N3 - Cheryl</a>
<a href="008-file-dance.mp4">S1M0N3 - Dance</a>
<a href="009-file-hellcat.mp4">S1M0N3 - Hellcat</a>
<a href="010-file-hellcat-remix.mp3">S1M0N3 - Hellcat Remix</a>
<a href="011-file-backdoor-attacks.mp4">S1M0N3 - Backdoor Attacks</a>
<a href="012-file-pleasure-kill-tempteshion.mp4">S1M0N3 - Pleasure, kill, tempteshion</a>
<a href="013-file-goodbye.mp4">S1M0N3 - Goodbye</a>
<a href="014-file-darkweb.mp4">S1M0N3 - DarkWeb</a>
</links>end music list</pre>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/s1m0n3f0t1">Facebook</a>
<a href="https://soundcloud.com/s-1-m-0-n-3">SoundCloud</a>
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrCeCUL11xEM6_AvAwuT4YQ">YouTube</a>
<a href="mailto:s1m0n3.f0t1@gmail.com">s1m0n3.f0t1@gmail.com</a>
<a href="https://neocities.org/site/s1m0n3">follow me</a>
<a href="https://neocities.org/">hosted by Neocities</a>
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